
' Because my mother didn't like to write letters, she never bothered to use any punctuation.(kalo korg xtaw punctuation tu ape ni ha < . , : ; >).Once i recieved a letter from her without commas or full stops. At the bottom of the page she included a row of punctuation marks along with the instruction "put this where you see fit". '

haha.nak try la kalo tulis surat kat org =p msti bengang!


Anonymous said...

wahhh..try la..ak letak puntuation yg sgt besa tu sume kt muke ko..(i mean tumbukan power ak )haha

€LLy said...

hahaha ada jgk eh org g2..
seha, ada lg x surat 2?? cuba ko letak kt blog..nk tgok

meme said...

power ke nab hahaah
elly, surat pe?

€LLy said...

surat yg mak ko bg la..without punctuation marks hehe

meme said...

haha bkn mak ak la..
mak org len..ak cm bce org ckp psl mk die..hahah

€LLy said...

lah ingt mak ko huhuk