There is a thing that i really work on these days. Guess what.?......any idea?........ jeng3~
I really want to increase my weight. My aim for this long break is to increase my weight by 5 kg..
hmm my friend has suggested me to drink full cream milk (not the fresh milk..powder one) at least twice a day..
she said her cousin do so and managed to increase 5 kg in a week...r u kidding me?haha
why it didn't work for me? i only have 0.5kg increment..
seems like i have to double up the rate of taken hahaha..
meaning i have to buy another packet cz it remains half already..oh not half..quarter really.... ^^
sonang ajo nk tmbh berat...ak teringt tgh ari td ak ad basuh ayam..emak dy..fuhhhh kalo kumpul setebal kalo la teringn nk mkn blh je ak bg..(euwwww geli ak)
'lemak'bkn emak..hehe
haha ak mne mkn ayam..pantang...
lah asal lak..
la.ak xcite eh..lps ak saket ari tu la ustaz yg ak g berubt suh pantang mkn aym n bbrpe lg jenis mknn..haha
meh aku bg weight aku kt ko nk???
skrng nih aku ngh nk cr jln nk turunkan weight body.. hehe nk jd the biggest loser family
huhu..nak nek 5kg :(
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