
as i told you!!!!!

the weird thing...

this is really happening...

the weird thing has just started....

omg my guess is always true..huuu


i guess things will go even more weird..

which i don't like.

it's like, what's happening will be eventually itself..


weird message again...


just bought two packets of full cream fernleaf milk powder....

this time gonna have it 3 times a day...

wish me luck....

i'm sleepy...

45 is enough....

don't go over it...

46 is still ok...

well, let's make this slowly..

hmm...tonite my parents were off to dinner at a new restaurant...owned by their old friend, um it's like this..that man is my father's best friend back then in UK...

lately they've been so close again...
haha the funny thing is...
they set up a date for my sister...
it was not like a real dating...
ok ok..let me tell u...
the other day when we met that uncle at one of the wedding ceremony..
he told my parents that he wished that they could become a 'besan' day...they came over to my house n bring their not-married son (the one they wanted to marry off to my sister)....
my sister (the victim of circumstance), who stayed at kuantan, was asked to come home..
my mother was so clever that she told my sis that their old friends wanted to see their children..
as if they wanted to catch up to each other's life after so many years they were not contacting to one another..
my sis had no idea about this, then she came home....both family met...

that nite only my mom told to my sis bout their wish..haha n my sis say No!! haha

both parents already agreed bt the decision is all in the guy n the girl's hand

i don't know if it happen to me...




arrrggggghhhh kalo setiap ari la mcm ni...xtaw la nk jd ape....


sy tngguh..then da lupe...then kete rosak...then da xleh nk wat.
pdn muke! sape suruh tngguh! suke sgt tangguh....

moral of the story...don't procrastinate!
tp sy rase sy ni mmg jenis wat keje last minute la..sbb sy mls nk pk.

hmm.supposely ri ni kuar tgk alice in ramai yg kuar esok plak...
wee heee

saye sgt bosan! kamu berdua duduk la rumah saye dua mlm ke...hahahha
nnti boleh kt mndi pool, gossip2...mcm ari tu yg elly n fisha dtg tu skjp sgt...
xsmpat nk buat ape2..

tlgla bg cadangan ape yg sy patut buat kt rumah ni...
da bosan menjahit..mesen pon asyik wat hal.jarum semua da patah!
hmm..ttbe rse nk wat cross-stitch. tp kat ne nk beli ek? yg ade gmba n kite just ikot je...


klaka la tgk korg karaoke..
sumbang gile!
glk sorg2 je bile tgk balik video tu..

aku ade sorg kwn ni...kalo borak mmg la suke wat lwk bodo die tu...
(B adalah kwn yg dimaksudkan)
ni perbualan die n sorg lg kwn ak...

A: pkwe ko blaja mne?
B: USJ (hahaha bajet fly us, pdhl org tnye uni mne. pkwe die senanye xblaja. A ni xtaw)
A: eh ade ke uni name usj? (hahaha sorg ni pon sengal)
B: ade kn name tmpt USJ? (tnye org balik plak!)
A: kos ape?
B: kosmetik...

hahahahahah bengong... klaka la kwn ak sorg nih...haih~

p E n I n G

oh boy oh boy....
what do i say?hmm
arrrggghhh xtawla pening....
nk bls pe? die bkn nye ckp pn..
xphm ape mksud die...
ptt ke aku wat bodoh, or ckp ak xphm, or suh die straight to the point, or..errr...
adoi xtawla

btw, td aku g anta mak n makcik aku kat klia..
then aku tolongla amikkn trolley..
haha malu je x pandai tolak..
nk bg die jln kn kene tolak holder trolley tu ke bwh kn..
aku g tarik ke atas..boleh la jgak jalan tp salah care aku tu..
ttbe ade amoi ni tolong tunjuk kat troley ak bwk tu..
time tu die tgh call...
ak ingt die nk rampas troley aku..rupenye nk tunjuk care btul...
hahahahah...kampung btol la ak nih...



There is a thing that i really work on these days. Guess what.?......any idea?........ jeng3~

I really want to increase my weight. My aim for this long break is to increase my weight by 5 kg..
hmm my friend has suggested me to drink full cream milk (not the fresh milk..powder one) at least twice a day..
she said her cousin do so and managed to increase 5 kg in a week...r u kidding me?haha
why it didn't work for me? i only have 0.5kg increment..
seems like i have to double up the rate of taken hahaha..
meaning i have to buy another packet cz it remains half already..oh not half..quarter really.... ^^

a new start

so here we go..i'm writing a blog!! err to be exact, i'm typing a blog...hahaha
this is so not me!! this is totally influenced by my beloved labu n labi...100% i bet u! hihi no offence! i know it's kind of late bcz everybody has started a blog a long time ago. bt bcz of my serious boredom i can't help to have it one.hihi

well, according to labu, it's been almost 5 months since we graduated from the bloody Ausmat programme!! hmm i'm all bored staying at home without any job..yet i'm so happy bcz the leisure i'm indulging in now makes me happy, after all pains, obstacle with so many tests of studies, roomates n being sick of so many assignments and exams i'd been facing through one and a half year..not worth saying anyway

basically my daily routine is not that interesting...not even interesting actually..everyday i get on9, watching na o mei, the drama i won't miss, but i would say my lappy is in front of me most of the time..if not staying at home, i meet up with my school friends who are also in a long break like me..haha..

It's pathetic that you've done nothing at home..sleep n wake up everyday like me.. i feel like an idiot n a loser..well, one thing i can at least be proud of myself is that i'm able to make a bj kurung n bj kurung moden..hahahaa. it's not that i want to show off or wteva but at least i can feel a kind of satisfaction in myself..hmm i know that's a load of crap i one will read this though..except for labu or labi..hehe but i'm not gonna let them put the link of my blog in actually i dont like people to read this except the ones that i'm really close with..

i think that's all for now..i haven't get a lunch back off!! haha
tata salam...